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Hand Bound Journals with Flower Belly Band

Hand Bound Journals with Flower Belly Band Hey folks, whatabout ye all?  I hear parts of England and Wales are getting some beautiful sunshine.  Any chance of you shoving some of it my Northern Ireland way then???  I swear it has rained constantly over my wee bit of Northern Ireland since June!!  Nimbus came in this morning looking 2 stone lighter and like a drowned rat!!  Now my cat is a long haired fuzz ball and isn't afraid of water or the rain really as it doesn't get in contact with her actual skin because she's so furry and her coat is extremely thick.......but this morning....Well, our poor wee baby was soaked through and her fur was drenched......BUT....the daft cow was sitting IN THE RAIN!!!!  She has a wee house that she can go in to when its pouring but oh no.....Nimbus wants to sit in the rain!  Lol.  Daft cat.  Then she came in and proceeded to try and dry herself off on Scrubby's leg!  He had to actually towel dry her she...

Blogaversary Winner

Blogaversary Winner Hey everyone.  Im going to keep this short and sweet as I know you just want to know who the winners are! I cut out all the Scrubby to pull out the names.  Sadly the first 2 names that were pulled out did not comply with the rules when I checked!  I couldn't believe it was the first 2 that were pulled out!  And the goodies were both going to end up heading out of the UK but sadly they didn't stick to the rules.  Im sorry put if you failed to follow the rules, I couldn't add you.  So Scrubby had to redraw the names again. I have decided to give a third prize away.  Its just a teeny tiny consolation prize Third Prize......just a wee small one but I hope the winner likes it A collection of my stickpins A collection of some of my flowers THE WINNER OF THE CRAFTER CARD MAKER PRIZE IS..... ...................................... ...................................... Karen from Stamping in pINK ...

CLOSED! First Year Blogaversary Give Away! Woowhooooo!

CLOSED! First Year Blogaversary Give Away!  Woowhooooo! Altered Art Goodies Card Maker Goodies Hey folks. Yippee!  I have invaded all of your lives for just over a year now, lol.  It was my First Year Blogaversary on the 23rd June so I thought I should celebrate by doing a giveaway. "Bout time" says you, heehee. Its just a wee thank you to all of you that have endured......opps I mean, all of you that have kindly followed my wee blog and hopefully had a few giggles along the way. Anway, I wanted to do not just 1 but 2 giveaways.  You all know that I am NOT a card maker but I do have a lot of card makers that follow and comment on my blog.  I am more of an altered art, mixed media, book making type of girl and I also have people of the "altered art" persuasion that follow me too.  So I am doing a giveaway for my lovely Card Maker Buddies and my Altered Art Buds too. I have a ridiculous amount of goodies to give away and some of the bits and p...

My Blogaversary Candy Ends in Two Days ....Hurry and enter

My Blogaversary Candy Ends in Two Days ....Hurry and enter Hey folks, just a little reminder for those who missed my Blogaversary Giveaway post above.  I just want to give you all a wee reminder about it .  Please check out my giveaway post as it ends on quickie quickie........get your name in for the above gorgeous goodies..... AND.........there may be an extra wee giveaway.  So everyone who enters into the giveaway will be entered into the wee surprise third prize too. So get your names down folks and Good Luck to everyone. Toodles Noodles, Loops xx

More Stickpins and fabric flowers

More Stickpins and fabric flowers Yummy stickpins Ive been adding to my "Grannies Sewing Room" Collection flowers.  Theyre so cute!  I know, I know Ive been a complete nightmare of late.  Neglecting my blog, your blogs, my craft room and thats to name but a few.  And guess what Im blaming it on........yep you guessed it.......the good 'ole Northern Ireland weather!!  I cannot take it any more!  Its dark, dull, grey, damp, windy and bloomin' cold! I have at this moment in time the heating on at full blast and a duvet up round me.  I can't find the motivation to go and craft when its so incredibly grey!  According to BBC newsline Northern Ireland got less than 120 hours of sunshine last month........THATS ONLY 5 DAYS!  And I tell you what.....that was them rounding up or over estimating or something because my neck of the woods didn't see no 120 hours of sunshine let me tell ye. Anyway, enough of my yapping.  Theres another sneak...

Vintage Grunge Cuff/Bracelet And How To Tutorial

Vintage Grunge Cuff/Bracelet And How To Tutorial Do you like my Vintage Grunge Cuff?  Ohhhhh I love it.  I have been being it all day with a pretty summer dress.  I made a bit of a mess with the flower in that I added Stickles......for my sins!  And it made a bloomin' mess of the flower by making the ink run and now it looks yuckie!!  Grrrrrr Hello my lovely Loopies, did you enjoy today's weather?  Yeah?  Well, get the good of it, cause its all ending tomorrow AGAIN.  That is if you live in Northern Ireland of course.  Grrrrrrr.  As much as I LOVE living in beautiful Northern Ireland, there are times.........ohhhhhhh...........there are times, I could wring the neck of the weather man......poor Darra from BBC One Newsline!  Ok so I am totally aware its not his fault, and there isn't exactly a Complaints Department for these sorta' things.  But I'm getting completely frustrated with Summers that are grey and soggy wet and i...

More flowers and Scrubby's Operation Be Good Challenge

More flowers and Scrubby's Operation Be Good Challenge Well ladies and gents, whats the craic with you all this very fine June morning?  And when I say "fine June morning" or course I'm being completely sarcastic as its wet, soggy, windy and damp here in good 'ole Northern Ireland but then, why am I surprised really?  Northern Ireland wouldn't be Northern Ireland without said wetness, sogginess, windiness and dampness! Anyway, before I show off my pwetty pwetty flowers I want to tell you about my Scrubby's Challenge.  As some of you may Scrubby is a Super Geek and if you have no idea what I am on about please read the previous post by clicking HERE .  As well as being a bit of a computer whizz kid, my hubby has another hobby he's had since childhood called Warhammer.  Its basically a table top game you play with these wee models and you paint them up and stuff.....yadda get the picture.  Yep, he's a complete Ge...