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Showing posts from March, 2017

Baby Rag Quilt

Baby Rag Quilt Rag Quilt Time...... Hello there folks......remember me?  I know, its been a while.  A lot happened in 2016, some amazing and some tragic.  But its a new year and I'm determined that 2017 is going to be a hell of a lot better than last year. One of the amazing things that happened in 2016 was the birth of not one niece but 2 nieces, 6 weeks apart.  My brother had his wee bambino, Jessica in February and then my sister had hers in March, little Lexi Morgan.  Jessica is lucky because her Nanny from her Mummy's side is an incredible seamstress and people seek her out from far and wide to have her sew projects for them, so little Jessica will no doubt be showered with the most miraculous and beautiful handmade quilts ever.  However, on my side of the family, little Lexi Morgan has........ME, who has only made a few sewing projects in her lifetime and most definitely does not have people demanding my sewing creations. ...