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Showing posts with the label Tutorial

ASMR Bookbinding - Greatly requested

ASMR Bookbinding - Greatly requested This won't be to everyone's taste......I do understand that.  But I have been asked on many occasion if I would do an ASMR type video showing bookbinding with just the noise of me making.  And I am always happy to oblige....even if it takes me years to do it, lol. So here it is.  For those of you who do like ASMR, I'm not sure how effective this video will be but I hope you enjoy it anyway.  I don't expect anyone to watch this if its not your type of thing.  But for those who do like the sound of pages being folded, cut and sewn, well, this is for you.  Put your headphones on for the best results.  Enjoy! And if I don't see you before Christmas......have a great one!  I hope 2022 brings much more joy and happiness to us all and especially much more good health.  Get your vaccines people, lol. That's it from me for now.  Toodles Noodles.....Lee aka Crafty Loops xo Would you like to support my little ol...

How to make a book - Kettle Stitch Bookbinding

How to make a book - Kettle Stitch Bookbinding  A number of year ago......In fact.......over 9 years ago (SHOCK!!!) I made a series of bookbinding tutorials, showing how I make a book from start to finish.  I divided the videos up into different sections which meant the viewer had to click onto the next video.  I thought this would be a simpler way of doing the videos however, I have been asked over the years if I could make the series into one continuous video, so the viewer doesn't have to click out of the video onto the next one. So, it's only taken me almost a decade and quite a few hours of editing, but I edited the videos into one continuous format and deleted some of my waffling....boy I can talk.  It is almost 90 mins long, so please be aware of that.  I am making a book completely from scratch. I do realise that if you watched the initial series of tutorials, this video is just a repeat and not for you.  But this is for those people who prefer to h...

Tutorial - How to make beaded Christmas charms & Jewellery

Tutorial - How to make beaded Christmas charms & Jewellery  What about ye folks, its Lee here.  How cute are these?!  Ugh, I just love them.  They're such cute makes.  Like in my previous post, these were made using beads and crystals from .  The quality of these products are incredible.  Honestly, I wouldn't steer you wrong.  I'm so chuffed with these. I've been making little Angels for well over a decade now, in one form or another.  Should they be charms, stickpins, jewellery accessories etc.  And these little charms would be perfect for a keyring or as a handbag charm.  You could also convert them and make them into earrings or a necklace pendant. These are so cute!  Little candy cane earrings.  I saw this design on Pinterest and knew I had to do something similar with the glass pearls and teardrop crystals from   They worked out perfectly.  I can't wait to rock these this...

How to make Beaded Christmas Icicles

How to make Beaded Christmas Icicles What about ye folks, its Lee here.  I was recently contacted by  to see if I wanted to try some of their products and do an honest review.  Now, I have not been paid for this at all, they simply sent me some products of my choosing.  I agreed on the premise that any review I give would be completely honest.  Oh boy am I glad they got in touch.  Their site is a bead lovers paradise with so many beautiful items to craft with.  My order arrived within 7 days which is incredibly quick and the products I got are awesome. I'm sharing a couple of videos with you today.  The first is the haul of goodies that I got and the next is a tutorial sharing these beautiful Christmas icicles.  These can be put onto your key ring, used as an accessory on a handbag or backpack or, as I will be using them, a Christmas decoration on my Christmas tree. The quality of the beautiful glass pearls and tiny crystal bi...

Altered Frames - And a quick how to...

Altered Frames - And a quick how to... Altered Frames Hello Folks.  Well did you get over the trauma of watching all those Bookbinding Videos? lol. Have any of you had a go at making one yet?  If you have, let me know so I can have a wee gander at them. A few people of Youtube did have a go and they have done an incredible job at making them.  I was so chuffed to bits. Im so sorry there were so many videos.  There was only meant to be 5 videos in all but as I said, Youtube had a major glitch in their system last week where hundreds of people couldn't upload over 15 minutes of video.  And as we didn't know how long all this would last, I had to go back in and cut a couple of the videos into Parts A and B.  It was a bit of an annoyance but as far as Ive heard, YT have fixed the glitch!  Time will tell. Anyway, I wanted to show you a few things Ive been up to.  I bought these wee frames in Poundland. Obviously, going by the name of the shop.......

Coptic Bookbinding Tutorials using the Kettle Stitch...How to make your very own books or journals

Coptic Bookbinding Tutorials using the Kettle Stitch...How to make your very own books or journals   I know, I know.  Ive been promising these tutorials for months but you would not believe the amount of trouble Ive gone to just to be able to get these on here today.  Its been a bloomin' nightmare and thats me being polite.  Firstly, I uploaded them with music and no talking but ohhhhhh no, Youtube wouldn't allow that because of Copyright issues with the music.  So little old Loops not wanting to let all you lot down by not giving you the tutorials I promised.....RE-RECORDED THE ENTIRE LOT OF VIDEOS AGAIN but this time you get to hear my beautiful Northern Irish But that wasnt the end of my troubles and there is a MAJOR GLITCH in Youtubes system at the mo which prevents thousands of people not being able to upload over 15 minute long videos amongst other issues but I wont bore you any more with my problems with getting these videos done. ...

Tutorial - How to make a Pinboard (See altered Box in previous post for Pin Board)

Tutorial - How to make a Pinboard (See altered Box in previous post for Pin Board) Here is the pin board I made for an altered Box.  Allo, Allo my lovely friends.  Don't know what the Allo Allo' is about........that show just popped in to my head and I was having a little giggle to myself at that saying! If only you could live in my head for a day, heehee.  Not that I ever saw the show as I was too young but I did catch the odd glimpse of a rerun every so often. Anyway, enough of my randomness!  Aye right, like that will ever happen.  As promised, I said I would show you all how I made the pin board from the altered Steampunk box in the previous post.  This can be made to ANY size you want.  I just happened to make this one small for a box, but if you want a big one for your wall or a small one for a book, this tutorial will suit all sizes of pin boards.  The same techniques and instructions apply. Now as this was such a small pin board,...

Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video

Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video Hi folks.  Don't faint......this is not your imagination or an illusion!  Tis I......Loops!  Heehee Boy oh boy did my mojo take a turn for the worst!  It really was touch and go there for a while.....we thought I might lose it all together.  But, I am glad to say that after a great deal of looking after and the arrival of a certain Ginormous Birthday Box I received (see last post) gladly, Loops's mojo has made a full recovery and is ready and raring to go, lol.  Phew, Im glad to be back.....Shucks but I missed you guys (she blushes meekly........"Oh Aye" you say "Loops is real meek"!!) I was asked ages ago by Sonia if I would mind doing a tutorial on a Lilly Flower.  Well, we all know I love a good challenge and love requests and as I had made these wee babies before I thought to myself.....why not do a wee video on how to make them.  Now the video I have done is for a wee Calla Lilly and you can basical...

Tutorial - Handmade paper Peace Rose (Raindrops on roses........)

Tutorial - Handmade paper Peace Rose IF LIKE ME, YOU PREFER TO WATCH VIDEO TUTORIALS, I HAVE DONE ONE FOR THIS FLOWER.  PLEASE SEE THE LINK BELOW THIS PHOTO OR CLICK HERE TUTORIAL - THE PEACE ROSE IF YOU PREFER THE VIDEO TUTORIAL, PLEASE CLICK HERE Good morning folks......IT CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!!!  AHHHHHHHHH!!!  SANTA IS COMING!  Don't you just love Christmas?  And once the big day comes and you've torn open your presents, set up the kids new toys and added batteries into everything, eaten until you have to undo the top button of your trousers and you proclaim "I will never eat like that again" even though you cant help but nibble at the left over turkey every time you walk passed'll think to yourself "Ack well, all the stress, expense and hassle was worth it", lol.  I love Christmas, I cant wait to sit around the table with all 18 of us (this year is a light year!!). Anyway, enough of my waffling ("As if" I he...