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Showing posts with the label Selling

Craft Room Ebay Sale Reminder

 Craft Room Ebay Sale Reminder Whatabout ye folks, it's Lee here.  Just a quick reminder that my First Craft Room Clear Out Sale on Ebay will be over in just over 24hours, Saturday 13th at approx 7.30pm.  So, grab yourself a bargain HERE .  And if not this time, I will be listing more items this coming week.  Enjoy! Toodles Noodles.....Lee aka Crafty Loops xx

Craft Room Clear Out - 1ST round of EBay sales

Craft Room Clear Out - 1st round of EBay sales I did say in a previous post that I wanted to do another Craft Room Clear out.  My crafting has taken different directions as I am sure you have noticed.  That is not to say that I am not ever going to make flowers or journals again.  No way will I stop that, teehee.  However, I have a room full to the brim of items I have purchased and collected for well over a decade.  The majority of the items have never even been removed from their packaging or used which is honestly, an absolute crying shame.  I do not want to have a plethora of items.  I could genuinely kit out a Craft store with the amount of products I have.  And it feels wrong to have it all sitting there not being used.  I want to see these items going to good homes.  So, I will be listing them on EBay for UK bidders only.  Sorry about sticking with the UK, but it just becomes too much work if I have to sell abroad and I'd be constantly worried about the items going missing. 

More items for sale on Ebay - laces & flowers galore

Hey folks, Im back again to let you know that I have listed more items up on Ebay .  The last sale went really well, thank you to everyone who bought something.  Click HERE to see what I have up for grabs. This sale is fantastic for anyone who loves laces, flowers and embellishments.  I have put together massive kits of beautiful items for you all to enjoy.  Here are just a few of the items listed for sale. Once I have finished with the sales, its time for the Art Studio makeover.  I can't wait to have a fully functioning art room that isn't cluttered or filled to the brim, lol.  I might even share some of that process too....I haven't decided yet. Anyway, enjoy the sale.  I hope you find something you like.  Here's a sneaky peaky of the items for sale.... Click HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE