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Showing posts from 2015

Unashamedly Self Promoting Post......A New Blog Endeavour

Hey everyone.  Yes, I am here to unashamedly plug my new Blog , lol.  But don't worry, my Crafting Blog is still here and will stay here until someone tells me to clear off, lol.  I'm not giving up on Crafting, even if this blog has seemed a little sparse lately.  But I do have some Craft Giveaways coming up shortly.  I have them all sorted and bagged up, ready for me to take photos of the goodies to show you, or should I show the goodies in a video?  Any preferences?  Either way, that's all I need to do and then I can get them posted up here. Anywhoodles, I digress.  My new Blog is just me, writing......silly stuff.......serious stuff....ok not-so-serious stuff, I can never be truly serious, random thoughts, daft stories and adventures......and whatever else comes into my noggin. I know a lot of you are just here for Crafting and I appreciate each and every one of you and that's perfectly ok if you only like my crafting.  There is no pr...

Hilary's Craft Competition 2015 - My Handmade Rag Doll Entry

Hilary's Craft Competition 2015 - My Handmade Rag Doll Entry Rag Doll hand made and designed by Crafty Loops, June 2015 A bit more detail of the dress, with the rag doll's hair behind her shoulders Look at her pretty wee dress as she's standing.  So cute. Hilary's Craft Competition 2015 - My Handmade Rag Doll Entry Isn't the wee dress pretty?  The fabric is called Daisy Pistachio from Hilary's. Hey Folks.  When  Hillary's  recently contacted me and asked me would I like to take part in their Craft Competition I of course said yes.  How could I not?  Just take a look at that fabric I was given to make my project with, its called Daisy Pistachio.  So of course I said yes.  If you'd like to read about the Competition please click  HERE . As you all know, I haven't been sewing long.  In fact, since I've had my sewing machine, this project will be my 3rd sewing machine project ever.  So I'm a little ...

Guest Book Wedding Album

Guest Book Wedding Album Guest Book Wedding Album I am the worst kind of quote a certain English accented toodler called Stewie (all Family Guy fans will know.....if you truly are a fan, lol).  My Brother is married almost 2 years and I STILL haven't showed everything I made for his Wedding.  I'm terrible.  But because I had so much to make and as you know, when it comes to weddings a lot of things are left pretty much to a week or a few days beforehand, I was a little under pressure.....and Numb-nuts here forgot to take detailed photos of everything made to share on her blog.  Sure I took some fleeting photos just before they were about to leave my door....but really Lee, what kind of a Blogger doesn't take proper blog photos?  I've disappointed myself...tutt, tutt, tutt!  I am such a numpty. Whilst I tried to salvage photos from here, there and everywhere, I wrote a post with everything I used for the Wedding with links to where I bou...

Ruby Slippers Video Tutorial

Ruby Slippers Video Tutorial It's an oldie but a goodie.  You know those days when you are randomly going through your laptop, looking at old videos and photos and then you come across a half edited video from 3 years ago that you forgot to post?  No?  Is that just me?  Well, that is what happened here.  I forgot to post the tutorial on how I made these Ruby Slippers shoes.....almost 3 years ago.  So without further ado.....and waffling much more, because it could end up being another year before this is is the video of how I created a pair of ruby slippers for my wee Skin and Blister (that's good ole Cockney rhyme for Sister). And as always, that is it from me today Folks.  Hope to see you around my Blog neighbourhood soon.  Any questions, please leave in the comment section below and I will do my best to help you. Toodles Noodles.......Loops (Lee) xx Would you like to buy me a Coffee ?  It's all done through...

Just because it's handmade, doesn't mean it's cheap

Just because it's handmade, doesn't mean it's cheap This is going to be a bit of a different post.  I have no creations to share, no crafty altered project, new flowers or new sewing items to share.  This post is in support of all creative people out there and a little "heads up"so to speak to all non-crafter's that request we make something for them. Now don't get me wrong, there was no incident that lead me to write this post.  I haven't been given an unreasonable request or asked to make anything for someone.  It is just something I have been thinking about lately, particularly since I've become really interested in sewing lately and was glued to my laptop watching The Great British Sewing Bee.  For example, I always assumed sewing was a cheaper alternative to buying your own clothes.  Boy was I wrong.  With shops popping up like Primark, H&M and Forever 21, it is almost impossible to personally make yourself an outfit cheaper than what th...