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Unashamedly Self Promoting Post......A New Blog Endeavour

Hey everyone.  Yes, I am here to unashamedly plug my new Blog, lol.  But don't worry, my Crafting Blog is still here and will stay here until someone tells me to clear off, lol.  I'm not giving up on Crafting, even if this blog has seemed a little sparse lately.  But I do have some Craft Giveaways coming up shortly.  I have them all sorted and bagged up, ready for me to take photos of the goodies to show you, or should I show the goodies in a video?  Any preferences?  Either way, that's all I need to do and then I can get them posted up here.

Anywhoodles, I digress.  My new Blog is just me, writing......silly stuff.......serious stuff....ok not-so-serious stuff, I can never be truly serious, random thoughts, daft stories and adventures......and whatever else comes into my noggin.

I know a lot of you are just here for Crafting and I appreciate each and every one of you and that's perfectly ok if you only like my crafting.  There is no pressure or obligation to join this new blog, honestly.  But if you just so happen to like my writing style and think you could stomach a bit more of my waffling, be it random waffling and not craft related, well then you might like my new Blog.  It's called "Random Ramblings of a Cynic".  Just click on the name or HERE and it will take you straight to my new and random Blog.

If you would like to follow, I'd love to have you.  Please don't expect too much of me though, teehee.  I am not a writer, I just enjoy doing it, lol.  And just because I enjoy doing it doesn't mean I'll be any good at it either, lol.  I may tell silly stories or discuss random thoughts that just spill out of my head.  I may engage you in a good debate or ask for your feedback on a specific subject or problem.  If a subject is more adult themed (nothing saucy!!) and I think I need to give notice, it will be in BIG LETTERS at the start of the Post.  But I doubt there will be much Parental Guidance recommended, lol.  But the main emphasis of this new Blog is just to have FUN!  I have silly stories to share, a sometimes strange life and stranger brain in which my points of view and thoughts are a little, shall we say.....skeewiff sometimes.  You might like how I write, think, describe things.......or you might hate it and want to shake me into normality.......and good luck trying, teehee.  But I hope that the new Blog is a place where we can engage in some good conversation, sit and relax and have a cup of tea/coffee (whisky?) and laugh together at my latest and greatest antics or skewed points of view on whatever topic I have on my mind.

Now, at the moment there is only my opening "Hello" post.  But I have more posts in the pipeline but my Hello is there to get you started and give you an idea of what I might write, what my writing style is sort of like and a taster of what hopefully is to come.  I can't promise I'll write every week or even every month.  But I promise I will write and hopefully be as engaging and entertaining as I can muster.  I hope to see you there.

Toodles Noodles......Lee aka Crafty Loops xx


  1. well hello crafty loops ... so nice to hear from you again ... thank you so much for visiting my blog and I am going to pop over an read your ramblings ... also VERY interested in your crafty give aways ... I do remember being lucky enough to win some of you amazing flowers so will be keeping my fingers crossed ... hope you are well happy crafting and rambling and love sandy xx

  2. It is really good to see someone back on the stage where they used to perform really well, same is the case with this blog and blogger, welcome back!


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Helloooooo! Anybody out there??!! Hey....there you are! Thanks for leaving a comment and stopping by my Blog. Lee x