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Showing posts with the label Card

Clean and Simple Birthday Card

Clean and Simple Birthday Card Don't judge me!  Cards are nowhere near my forte but is one anyway.  I am going to put my hands up, wave them frantically around in the air and admit that this design is not mine.  I do not make cards therefore have no imagination or any semblance of creative design that magically pops into my noggin when making them.  So I rely on the creativity of others to inspire my cards, lol.  In fact, I make it my crafty mission to avoid card making at all cost.  But an unfortunate few do get through the "No card making" barrier every so often and some poor sod ends up receiving one of my disastrous card creations ( Maddy ..... you know all about that... remember my button Xmas tree card??).  More often than not, it's usually Scrubby Loops or my poor wee Daddy who ends up getting one of them for some reason.  And oh how I laugh when I watch them try to make a surprised "Oh wow that's so good" expression on th...

Clean & Simple Silver Anniversary Card and and an up-coming Surprise

Clean & Simple Silver Anniversary Card and and an up-coming Surprise Hello my lovelies.  I know, I've been gone for agessssss.  But my brother was married on the 20th July and I was making everything for it, from Invitations to place cards.  I'll be showing you everything soon.....silly me forgot to take photos of everything!! DOH! wee Mammy and Daddy are married 25 years today...WOOWHOO!  Congratulations to them both.  You are both incredible parents...obviously.....look at me!  Here is the sad and sorry card I've made you, lol.  Sorry!  But of all the things you could have asked asked for a handmade  card from me.....even though I'm rubbish at making them, lol.  Have a fabulous day you two love birds. Here it is...... Its clean and very simple.......just the way I like it.  Simple matting and layering with white linen embossed stripes. The sentiment is matted and layered, stamped with ...

RSVP Card and a teeny note card .....I know.....another card!

RSVP Card and a teeny note card .....I know.....another card! Hey everyone.  I'm back again.  One minute you don't see me for dust and the next you can't get rid of me!   As you know, the reason for me being MICA (Missing in Crafty Action!) is that I was making Wedding Invitations for my Brother, Jay and Karen's pending nuptials this upcoming Summer.  But, now that I have completed all their wedding invitations and the wee boxes they were individually posted in, I have a bit more time to focus on other crafty things.  So what did I do with my new found freedom.....I made an RSVP card for Jay and Karen's wedding.  Go figure!  Anyway, about the Wedding Invitations ..........I hopefully will be showing them shortly.  I'm so excited for them both.  I still have a lot more things to make for the actual wedding day but they can't be shared until after July. On to the cards.  I seem to have made A LOT of cards lately.  What is goin...

My Stash.......Card and Money Jar

My Stash.......Card and Money Jar Hello my lovelies.  What is it with me and making a total eejit of myself when I'm in Belfast?  I was at it again last week!  If you didn't read my last post, you may want to catch up, because my "Belfast Behaviour" is becoming a bit of a series in itself!  My sister, T and I went up to Belfast to the Bi-Annual Craft Fair at the King's Hall.  We met up with me ole mucker Maddy ( Izzwizz creations here in blogland) who is looking absolutely stunning by the way with her newly highlighted spikey blonde hair.  We had a great ole day messing about, waffling and spending wayyyyyy too much money.  Maddy bought her first set of Pan Pastels so keep an eye out for her up-coming projects using those, they'll be incredible. Afterwards I took T into the City Centre to leave an essay in to Uni but it being Belfast and having constant roadworks, there was a big queue of stagnant traffic, as always.  So T is sat beside ...

I know I don't make cards.....but...Clean & simple card

I know I don't make cards.....but...Clean & simple card Hey everyone.  I know, I always say that I don't make cards........and looking at this card, its pretty obvious that I don't, lol.  But I needed a couple of thank you cards and thought I'd have a bash at making them myself.  They are very simple because I'm completely rubbish at making cards but I like plain and simple cards.  So this is what I came up with. I'm meeting up with my wee matey, Maddy Madster today (Ooooo get me with my alliteration ) ......YIPPEEEE!  You all know Maddy, from her Blog Izzwizz Creations and if you don' HERE .  So we are meeting up to have a good aul natter and try to set the world to rights, lol.  All we need is some double sided tape and a good pair of scissors and that'll sort out the world's problems, heehee.   Anywhoodles, here is my attempt at card making......very simple card making, lol. I used the butterfly To...

Clean and Simple Card and I want to introduce you to someone!

Clean and Simple Card and I want to introduce you to someone! Happy Birthday Bob-a-job!  My wee Mamma calls my Daddy that! Well folks, whats the craic with you all?  Firstly, BIG apology.  Im using the new blogger interface (which I hate by the way) and I did turn the Word Verification OFF or so I thought!  I went into it there now and it was still ON Grrrrrr!  So hopefully word verification is now off again.  I hate Word Verification, lol!  So just a note to anyone who has gone over to the new interface....DON'T FORGET TO TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION (if you dont want it on of course!). Anyway, Yesterday was my wee Daddy's Birthday.  After three everyone......ONE, TWO, THREE........HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOOPS'S DADDY!!!!  Or you can call him Bobby which is less of a mouthful.  And in a completely unrelated was also the 100th year Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic!!  And before you say anything, as far as Im ...

A Gentleman's birthday card

A Gentleman's birthday card Whoops.....glossy accents isn't completely dry on the sentiment but I'm impatient and took the photos anywhoodles. What in the name of bejeezes is goin' on here??  There appears to be a card on this post and I'm not sure......but I'd nearly swear that I made it!!  Can someone take me to the doctor please because I've obviously hit my head because I don't do cards last time I checked.  In fact I nearly had a hissy fit when one of my cousins suggested I should start up my own card business after she saw my wedding invites, thank you cards and a few other wee bits and pieces, lol.  Now having my own business.....yeah who wouldn't want to do something they love, day in day out and get paid for it.  But a card business!!!!????  My idea of a complete nightmare. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way dissing what you lovely girlies do.  In fact, its the complete opposite.  I admire every single one of you for all th...

Dont Faint.......but I made another card!! Alien Birthday card

Alien Birthday card I know!!  I'm full of surprises this week.  First I make an Industrial Steampunk Metal Guitar and now.....A CARD?  What is up with me?  Where have all the flowers gone?? .......Is that a song?? As you know it was my wee brothers 11th birthday on the 1st.  And I can confirm.......HE LOVED THE GUITAR.......Wooooowhoooooo!  And out of all the goodies he got AND I mean goodies, to name a android ipad thingy, an ipod shuffle music thingmabobber (see, Im very techie as you can tell!)......the first thing he ran into the house with to show our Daddy was......THE GUITAR...Yeah! Oh, I know.....I can hear you "My God, that kid got some presents for his 11th Birthday".....but, that's the joy of having much older brothers and sisters.  There's 21 years between me and Corey and the least amount of years is between him and our T which is nearly10 years. So, we pretty much spoil him on his birthday. But I was pretty chuffed how much ...

Well, Ive finally made a card and here it is......

Well, I've finally made a card and here it is...... Well I have had nothing but stick because I don't really make cards(all in good humour and a bit of craic of course).  In fact I try to do EVERYTHING craft related except cards.  And if you are a follower of my blog, you know that I like to be challenged.  And if there is a tutorial or something that you would like for me to make or show, I am more than happy to oblige.  Well.......a certain little friend of mine decided to be cruel and unusual and challenged me to making a card, knowing rightly the very mention of me making a card breaks me out in a cold sweat!! But, I said I would do it and here it is.  Its ma wee mamma's birthday today, Happy 53rd Birthday Mammy (oh I'm sure she is delighted with me giving away her age), hope you have a lovely day.  So this is the card I made for her.  The layout and the nesties labels are actually from a very lovely friend of mine over on DoCrafts called Sandra,...

Tutorial - how to make a box for your dimensional cards.

Tutorial - how to make a box for your dimensional cards WHAT YOU WILL NEED This tutorial will give the measurements and formula for making a box for a 6x6inch square card.  HOWEVER....the formula I use to make this card is easily converted into other sized cards like 5x5, 8x8 etc. For a 6x6 card you will need: 2 x A4 sheets of cardstock, white or patterned whichever you want for your box. Hougie board, Scor Board, Martha Stewart Score board or whatever other score board you have that is on the market*  Not essential though.....if you have an embossing tool & ruler, that works too Glue or extra strong double sided tape Bone folder - not essential Scissors Ruler MAKING YOUR BOX - THE FORMULA I USE AND THE PUTTING TOGETHER OF YOUR BOX BOX BASE If your card is 6x6 inches you wont want your box to be exactly 6x6 as the card wont fit in, it will simply sit on top and this is NOT what we want.   So, I usually add on 1/4 inch which gives room for the card and embelli...