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Showing posts with the label Junk Journal

ASMR Bookbinding - Greatly requested

ASMR Bookbinding - Greatly requested This won't be to everyone's taste......I do understand that.  But I have been asked on many occasion if I would do an ASMR type video showing bookbinding with just the noise of me making.  And I am always happy to oblige....even if it takes me years to do it, lol. So here it is.  For those of you who do like ASMR, I'm not sure how effective this video will be but I hope you enjoy it anyway.  I don't expect anyone to watch this if its not your type of thing.  But for those who do like the sound of pages being folded, cut and sewn, well, this is for you.  Put your headphones on for the best results.  Enjoy! And if I don't see you before Christmas......have a great one!  I hope 2022 brings much more joy and happiness to us all and especially much more good health.  Get your vaccines people, lol. That's it from me for now.  Toodles Noodles.....Lee aka Crafty Loops xo Would you like to support my little ol...

How to make a book - Kettle Stitch Bookbinding

How to make a book - Kettle Stitch Bookbinding  A number of year ago......In fact.......over 9 years ago (SHOCK!!!) I made a series of bookbinding tutorials, showing how I make a book from start to finish.  I divided the videos up into different sections which meant the viewer had to click onto the next video.  I thought this would be a simpler way of doing the videos however, I have been asked over the years if I could make the series into one continuous video, so the viewer doesn't have to click out of the video onto the next one. So, it's only taken me almost a decade and quite a few hours of editing, but I edited the videos into one continuous format and deleted some of my waffling....boy I can talk.  It is almost 90 mins long, so please be aware of that.  I am making a book completely from scratch. I do realise that if you watched the initial series of tutorials, this video is just a repeat and not for you.  But this is for those people who prefer to h...

Junk Journal - First gentle. Photos and Video

Junk Journal - First gentle.  Photos and Video Junk Journal - A4 size VERY PHOTO HEAVY.  FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO SKIP THE PHOTO'S, I'VE DONE A WEE VIDEO AT THE END OF THE POST SHOWING YOU THROUGH THE BOOK. What about ye folks.  Im back again! My sister had a very wonderful 21st Birthday, thank you to everyone who wished her a Happy Birthday.  And even after me posting such an embarrassing story and photo of her in my last post, my wee T is still talking to me!  I think after 21 years of having me as her sister, Tara has come to realise that I'm a bit of a nut, have no limits to what I will say or do and if there is an opportunity to create an embarrassing moment....well she knows I'll take it, lol. I decided I wanted to make her something that she could add to over the years.  So, I made her a Junk Journal. They seem to be all the rage in the USA at the moment but they are slowly making their way over here.  For those who don't k...

A wire spine Journal and the Spring Cleanathon!

A wire spine Journal and the Spring Cleanathon! Wire Bound Journal First off......HELLO!!!!!  Heehee, I know we have been like a passing ship in the night lately but life has been getting inconveniently in the way of blogging lately.  And then to top it all off an innocent suggestion made by me has turned in to a full blown Spring Cleanathon!!  Oh yes my friends!  After hearing my Scrubby open the craft room door in an attempt to retrieve some sort of computer thingymabob medoodaa a few weeks ago, I heard him let out the most obvious of pee'd off noises, walk out backwards and loudly closing the craft room door again and he subsequently stomped down the hall like a huffy child who had just had his lolly taken off him for bad behaviour. an innocent and somewhat empty gesture I suggested maybe the Craft Room needed a good gutting out and we could add some shelves up for extra storage etc.  Well!  As I was somewhat an empty g...

Grungy Journal - handmade Journal

Grungy Journal - handmade Journal Hi folks, how are we this very fine day?  Any word of Spring making an appearance around your neck of the woods??  It was 10 degrees at the hottest point of the day in grey Northern Ireland so that's practically summer around here!! Anywhoodles, I just wanted to show you this Journal I made for my very good friend Fiona (YouTube Jennings 644 ).  This Journal was actually the first one I ever made.  From scratch I mean.........sewing the papers, making the covers, putting the book together.....proper making a book from scratch.  And I just love how rough and ready it turned out.  It wont be to everyone's liking I'm sure,  but I really love it and Fiona was so chuffed when she received it too. Im not going to waffle too much and just get on with the photos!  WHAT?  I hear you cry!!  And no, I do not have a temperature and Im not sick!  In fact when I have a temperature and am sick......I ten...