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Showing posts with the label Flower Tutorial

Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video

Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video Hi folks.  Don't faint......this is not your imagination or an illusion!  Tis I......Loops!  Heehee Boy oh boy did my mojo take a turn for the worst!  It really was touch and go there for a while.....we thought I might lose it all together.  But, I am glad to say that after a great deal of looking after and the arrival of a certain Ginormous Birthday Box I received (see last post) gladly, Loops's mojo has made a full recovery and is ready and raring to go, lol.  Phew, Im glad to be back.....Shucks but I missed you guys (she blushes meekly........"Oh Aye" you say "Loops is real meek"!!) I was asked ages ago by Sonia if I would mind doing a tutorial on a Lilly Flower.  Well, we all know I love a good challenge and love requests and as I had made these wee babies before I thought to myself.....why not do a wee video on how to make them.  Now the video I have done is for a wee Calla Lilly and you can basical...

Flower Tutorial Video - Large Cabbage Rose/Peony style flower

Flower Tutorial Video - Large Cabbage Rose/Peony style flower Large Cabbage Rose Using Tim Holtz Tattered Florals Die Side profile....isn't is so pretty?  I love it....First attempt at a bigger one using this die so it ain't perfect! Ello Ello ma Petite Loopy Loo's.  Ohhhhh get me and me French!!  But there is a reason for it ..... of course!  I've decided if you say this flower with the proper French accent, the "cabbage" part sounds so much more romantic and appealing.  Go on....give it a try....."Cabbaaaaagggge Rose".... See, sounds so much better.  Oh I so have you lot repeating that now, haven't I?!  Heehee. Ive been a bit of a boldie and a lazy bumhead (I know....strange expression but if you know me at all by now...its pretty much the norm.  Plus its a nickname I call my sister, one of many I might add. I really have to re-evaluate my nicknames for my sibling. First Mi-Wadi, now don't want to know the rest!).  ...

Flower Tutorial using Spellbinders Rose Creations Die - The Peace Rose

Flower Tutorial using Spellbinders Rose Creations Die - The Peace Rose Hi folks. This is gonna be short and sweet "Aye right" I hear you snort!!  No really is a short post.  I just wanna see if this works for a start as I may start to do video tutorials for those who like to see things being done in real time and not in a million photos!  So, this is a quick wee video just of the last flower I did, the Peace Rose. Let me know what you think.  Would you like to see video tutorials?  Maybe add them on to the end of my normal photo tutorials?  I know I'm the type of person who likes to see it done in front of me so I thought it might be handy for others too.  Now Im not talking in this one.....I have put some lovely Taylor Swift music on instead.  I didn't want to scare the bejeezes out of you with my Northern Irish accent just yet, lol.  It so happens that I wanna keep all my lubbly jubbly followers and my accent may scare yo...

Tutorial - Handmade paper Peace Rose (Raindrops on roses........)

Tutorial - Handmade paper Peace Rose IF LIKE ME, YOU PREFER TO WATCH VIDEO TUTORIALS, I HAVE DONE ONE FOR THIS FLOWER.  PLEASE SEE THE LINK BELOW THIS PHOTO OR CLICK HERE TUTORIAL - THE PEACE ROSE IF YOU PREFER THE VIDEO TUTORIAL, PLEASE CLICK HERE Good morning folks......IT CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!!!  AHHHHHHHHH!!!  SANTA IS COMING!  Don't you just love Christmas?  And once the big day comes and you've torn open your presents, set up the kids new toys and added batteries into everything, eaten until you have to undo the top button of your trousers and you proclaim "I will never eat like that again" even though you cant help but nibble at the left over turkey every time you walk passed'll think to yourself "Ack well, all the stress, expense and hassle was worth it", lol.  I love Christmas, I cant wait to sit around the table with all 18 of us (this year is a light year!!). Anyway, enough of my waffling ("As if" I he...

Flower Tutorial - Petaloops - Making flowers from fake petals

Flower Tutorial - Petaloops - Making flowers from fake petals Petaloops by......Loops! Petaloops using different types of petals Well these certainly got a better response in tutorial wanting, than I ever thought.  I would have thought by now that you'd all be fed up looking at my flower tutorials......but apparently are all too blinkin' polite to say "Oh for goodness sake Loops.......get a real hobby and stop shaping bits of fabric and paper into flowers!!" lol.  How close to the truth am I??!!  No, No.....don't tell me.  I'm just going to sit here  on my make believe throne wearing my Flower Queen Crown on my noggin that I made out guest and carry on typing this tutorial......regardless of the truth!  heehee. So without further ado my flowery Royal subjects....or should I call you my Little Seedlings??........did I just take it too far??!! lol (I think the Flower Power is going to my head!!)...