Secret Envelope Trinket Box Secret Envelope Trinket Box Hello my lovelies. "Well Finally"!! says you......"She's made something"!! I know, I know but I have been sickie no well you know. And Im now hitting my second week of the heebee-geebee's and its getting a little boring now. And of course, I wasn't happy to keep it all to myself, oh no........I shared my cooties with my Scrubby. And we all know what men are like when they are sick. They all think they are dying! Heehee. Awwww bless him, he's actually been really good. Through his sniffing, sneezing and coughing he's been making me lots of cuppa's and big Scrubby hugs. Anywhoodles, my parents have just redecorated their bedroom. I'm actually very impressed with ma wee Mamma as instead of buying new wardrobes and storage......She ALTERED the ones she had! I must be rubbing off on her, heehee. Her bedroom furniture is all really good solid wood, so she painted them all
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.