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Showing posts from July, 2014

Altered Extendible Cutlery Tray - Made into a Storage Unit

Altered Extendible Cutlery Tray - Made into a Storage Unit BEFORE I GET STARTED:  You may have noticed that when you come over to my blog that the address may redirect to's because I bought the domain name.....Yippee.  However, nothing has changed.  If you put in my blogspot address, you will still find me.  It just redirects the name to my dot com address.  But I'm still a blogger girl.  Everything I do is still run by Blogger.  And in case you want to know where I was able to buy my dot com domain name from (for just £2 a year), I got it from godaddy .  I have not been sponsored to advertise for them....this is simply where my 13 year old brother told me to go and buy my domain name......and if he tells me where to go and buy it from, then I listen.  He's a child prodigy, lol. I haven't been crafting as I'm sure you are aware by my distinct lack of attendance in Blogland.  I have been doing out my craft...