Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video Hi folks. Don't faint......this is not your imagination or an illusion! Tis I......Loops! Heehee Boy oh boy did my mojo take a turn for the worst! It really was touch and go there for a while.....we thought I might lose it all together. But, I am glad to say that after a great deal of looking after and the arrival of a certain Ginormous Birthday Box I received (see last post) gladly, Loops's mojo has made a full recovery and is ready and raring to go, lol. Phew, Im glad to be back.....Shucks but I missed you guys (she blushes meekly........"Oh Aye" you say "Loops is real meek"!!) I was asked ages ago by Sonia if I would mind doing a tutorial on a Lilly Flower. Well, we all know I love a good challenge and love requests and as I had made these wee babies before I thought to myself.....why not do a wee video on how to make them. Now the video I have done is for a wee Calla Lilly and you can basical...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.