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Showing posts from August, 2022

Handmade Large Tote bag - using Debbie Shore's Tutorial

Handmade Large Tote bag - using Debbie Shore's Tutorial It's my lovely Mother-In-law's Birthday in early September and she'll be heading away for 3 weeks to beautiful, sunny Cyrus. So, I thought a nice tote bag would be perfect as no-one wants to lug their handbag around with them when going down to the pool. The bag itself has plenty of storage for your ipad or a book or 2, in fact the tote has a tonne of useful storage. I gave this bag to Lorraine, last weekend and she loved it.  I am so chuffed.  HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY LORRAINE!  xx As per usual, I followed Debbie Shore's tutorial for her large tote bag , with a few modifications by me.  Honestly, if you are new to sewing, Debbie Shore's tutorials are so incredible.  I was just about able to thread my machine when I first made one of her bags and it turned out great.  Her instructions are so easy to follow.  Definitely, give any of her tutorials a go, they're so simple and easy but very effective and ...

New Blog Layout & a Question to you

New Blog Layout & a Question to you Whatabout ye folks, its Lee here.  I know things are looking a little different around here.  I am trying to update my blog to bring it into the 21st Century so all devices, including phones and tablets can see everything within their proper proportions and not be a skew-whiff. So, I just want to let you know that there may be a small moment of adjustment as I go through my blog and ensure everything is in it's rightful place.  I've noticed a ew hiccups on practically every page, so it will take me time to sort it all out, teehee. If there is anything major that you see that appears to be a massive problem, please let me know in the comments below.  Boy oh boy did I have fun editing the blogs HTML code to include the "Previous" and "Next" post buttons at the bottom of each post!  The template I used for this new layout did not include it!  So there I was, feeling like some kind of genius hacker, typing HTML commands i...

3 little sloths, hanging in a tree - PayItForward Sloth pattern

3 little sloths, hanging in a tree - PayItForward Sloth pattern Whatabout ye folks, it's Lee here.  I know I shared a Sloth last month, showcasing a pattern from Lisa over on PayItForward YouTube channel.  But the wee sloth was so incredible easy to make, that once I had made my wee Bro's girlfriend, Rose, the first sloth, I just had to make 3 more, teehee.  Again, my 2 wee nieces and nephew will have another stuffed toy to add to their ever expanding collection of handmade toys from me. I won't make this a long post as I shared the details already on my previous post .  But I have shared the shopping list of the items I bought to make these wee dudes.  These aren't affiliate links or anything....not that there is anything wrong with affiliate links, lol.  These are just the places I like to buy my products. I just love how these wee guys turned out.  And because I used polar fleece, they are so incredibly soft and squishy.  A perfect companion t...