Carpenter's wheel Patchwork Quilt So, here I am with my 3rd quilt.....I think it's my third, lol. It's another Donna Jordan, from Jordan Fabrics pattern. Here instructions and YouTube videos really are amazing. They make a new sewer like me feel confident enough to make a quilt like this. Although, maybe this is easy for most people....but as I said, I'm still pretty new to all this sewing business. This quilt is for my almost 21 year old wee bro who is studying for his Masters in AeroSpace Engineering at Queen's University in Belfast.....the kid is a bloody genius, I tell ya! Did I say he got his pilots license when he was only 19 years old!? He was the youngest person to get his license in the shortest amount of time. To say I am incredibly proud of him, is an understatement. He's so incredibly smart but is such a kind and humble person.....unlike his big sister, when it comes to bragging about him, teehee. But I'm his...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.