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Showing posts with the label Recommendations

Craft Box Unboxing March 2016

Craft Box Unboxing March 2016 Hey Folks.  I cannot believe it is a month already since I did the last unboxing for my Craft Box, but here we are March! Anyway, here is the video of me unboxing it, if you want to see what I got.  Ohhhhh such lush goodies.  You can get your own subscription on a month by month basis (so you decide when you want to buy it) or by 3 or 6 months in advance.  Simply go the Anna's site, at .  You better run quick if you want April's box, as the pre-orders are running out super fast. OHHHHHHHHHH, and keep an eye out.  I have ANOTHER GIVEAWAY coming up very soon.  It's pretty similar to the last one, with a few wee differences like the stamp and I'll add a few extra goodies into the prize too that I won't show here on my blog. I am not affiliated with Craft Box.  I bought this with my own sponduclics.....just in case that is somehow relevant (which I don't know why it would be!). ...

Craft Box monthly box reveal

Craft Box monthly box reveal Finally!  A monthly subscription box us UK and NI Crafty peeps can get, Yippeeeeee!   Craft Box (monthly subscription box.)  You can buy these boxes on a month by month bases or buy 3 or 6 months in one go.  This would make such an amazing gift for your other half or the crafty friend or relative in your life. I know its been a while since you've seen me and I can only apologise about that.  It's been all go here in my little corner of the world. My brother and sister-in-law just had a wee baby girl a few days ago and my sister is also due to have her baby in the next month or so too.  So its all baby stuff around here. I've come to show you something new today.  Something I never thought us Crafters in the UK and Northern Ireland would ever really be able to get.  Im sure you've seen the monthly subscription boxes doing the rounds, especially across the pond in America.  A lot of Make up and beauty compani...

Photographer in the Making.......Sorry I've been MIA

Photographer in the Making.......Sorry I've been MIA DO NOT ADJUST YOUR PC, LAPTOP, SMARTPHONE OR TABLET SCREENS (Phew!!).....This is indeed a Blog Post from Crafty Loops! I realise that when you see my name coming up in your blog roll, that it may cause some form of whiplash as you spin around to take a second glance at your blog post viewing apparatus and actually check if what you saw was indeed a blog post from me.  All I can do is sincerely apologise for any harm you may have come to whilst reading this post.  Teehee. Yes, I will hold my hands up, arms up......ears up and even my pig tails up (yes I have multiple pig hair goes down to my waist, I have to do something with it) and admit it......I have been a TERRIBLE blogger, not only this year but half of last year too.  But I was busy with my brother's wedding last year.  Still......that's no excuse for this year now is it??  Did I promise to show you the stationery I made for my brother's...

Ever wondered where I like to crafty shop.....?

Ever wondered where I like to crafty shop.....? Ok.....a bit of a strange blog post, admittedly.  But I know that I always love to see what new crafty bits and bobs people buy, where they buy them, where the best deals are, best customer service, what crafts items are up and coming etc., etc.  So, for exactly that reason, I have set up a "Places I Love to Shop" page here on my blog.  You may have seen it, sitting up there at the top of my page, you may not have seen it.  But, now that I have added a few of my favourite places, I thought I should give you a heads up about them. Now, before anyone starts thinking that these shops have paid me in craft supplies or that I am on a Design Team or something.........I'm not.  And in any matter what, I would NEVER recommend a shop for either of those reasons.  If a shop goes up on that page........its because I have received excellent customer service, great prices and I think those shops or seller...

Summer Expedition Journal - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Summer Expedition Journal - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder This is going to be a photo heavy post, lol So sorry for the glare on this photo.  I don't know whats up with my camera! I know, I know ............"Where have you been Loops" I can hear you all shout. Im sorry I have been such an awful blogger of late.  And its not as if I can even blame it on having glorious weather either because living in Northern Ireland, the very second the sun comes out and someone says "This is some weather we're having, isn't it?", they have pretty much scudded us all and we are guaranteed to have torrential rain, hail stones the size of golf balls and freezing temperatures!  So the weather hasn't been good at all in Northern Ireland except..... dare I say it?......the sun has been out yesterday and today.  Its ok though, normality will resume in a matter of hours, as we are to have rain again tomorrow.  So as I type this post, Scrubby is fr...

Altered Frames - And a quick how to...

Altered Frames - And a quick how to... Altered Frames Hello Folks.  Well did you get over the trauma of watching all those Bookbinding Videos? lol. Have any of you had a go at making one yet?  If you have, let me know so I can have a wee gander at them. A few people of Youtube did have a go and they have done an incredible job at making them.  I was so chuffed to bits. Im so sorry there were so many videos.  There was only meant to be 5 videos in all but as I said, Youtube had a major glitch in their system last week where hundreds of people couldn't upload over 15 minutes of video.  And as we didn't know how long all this would last, I had to go back in and cut a couple of the videos into Parts A and B.  It was a bit of an annoyance but as far as Ive heard, YT have fixed the glitch!  Time will tell. Anyway, I wanted to show you a few things Ive been up to.  I bought these wee frames in Poundland. Obviously, going by the name of the shop.......