How to make a soft cover wrap around book Doth my eyes deceive me? Is that a Crafty Loops blog post I see? Yes, yes I can hear you all from here, lol. But finally, my gas heating is now installed. Yippeeeeee! Which means my house was turned upside down and there was dust and dirt that would make the Sahara Desert blush! Our attic had to be emptied because we needed new loft insulation, which meant the majority of my house sat in the back garden whilst the work was carried out. Who knew we had so much crap up there! Out of sight, out of mind definitely applies to my attic. As if having our house turned upside down and sitting in my back garden wasn't enough, there of course needed to be a little drama added to the mix - this is the Loops Household after all. When the guys were installing the new gas pipes in the attic, one of them slipped and his leg came thundering through the roof! Scrubby Loops said all he could see was ...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.