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Altered Extendible Cutlery Tray - Made into a Storage Unit

Altered Extendible Cutlery Tray - Made into a Storage Unit BEFORE I GET STARTED:  You may have noticed that when you come over to my blog that the address may redirect to's because I bought the domain name.....Yippee.  However, nothing has changed.  If you put in my blogspot address, you will still find me.  It just redirects the name to my dot com address.  But I'm still a blogger girl.  Everything I do is still run by Blogger.  And in case you want to know where I was able to buy my dot com domain name from (for just £2 a year), I got it from godaddy .  I have not been sponsored to advertise for them....this is simply where my 13 year old brother told me to go and buy my domain name......and if he tells me where to go and buy it from, then I listen.  He's a child prodigy, lol. I haven't been crafting as I'm sure you are aware by my distinct lack of attendance in Blogland.  I have been doing out my craft...

Photographer in the Making.......Sorry I've been MIA

Photographer in the Making.......Sorry I've been MIA DO NOT ADJUST YOUR PC, LAPTOP, SMARTPHONE OR TABLET SCREENS (Phew!!).....This is indeed a Blog Post from Crafty Loops! I realise that when you see my name coming up in your blog roll, that it may cause some form of whiplash as you spin around to take a second glance at your blog post viewing apparatus and actually check if what you saw was indeed a blog post from me.  All I can do is sincerely apologise for any harm you may have come to whilst reading this post.  Teehee. Yes, I will hold my hands up, arms up......ears up and even my pig tails up (yes I have multiple pig hair goes down to my waist, I have to do something with it) and admit it......I have been a TERRIBLE blogger, not only this year but half of last year too.  But I was busy with my brother's wedding last year.  Still......that's no excuse for this year now is it??  Did I promise to show you the stationery I made for my brother's...

Ever wondered where I like to crafty shop.....?

Ever wondered where I like to crafty shop.....? Ok.....a bit of a strange blog post, admittedly.  But I know that I always love to see what new crafty bits and bobs people buy, where they buy them, where the best deals are, best customer service, what crafts items are up and coming etc., etc.  So, for exactly that reason, I have set up a "Places I Love to Shop" page here on my blog.  You may have seen it, sitting up there at the top of my page, you may not have seen it.  But, now that I have added a few of my favourite places, I thought I should give you a heads up about them. Now, before anyone starts thinking that these shops have paid me in craft supplies or that I am on a Design Team or something.........I'm not.  And in any matter what, I would NEVER recommend a shop for either of those reasons.  If a shop goes up on that page........its because I have received excellent customer service, great prices and I think those shops or seller...

How to make an inset window in a Wedding Photo Album

How to make an inset window in a Wedding Photo Album Hi everyone.  A very Happy New Year to you all.  We have just had a lovely quiet day today at home.  Its blowing a gale and pelting it down outside.  It looks like the sun didn't even bother to come out today at all.  Looks like it popped its head up, saw the wind and the rain and decided to hide back under the covers! Anywho, I promised that I would come back with the tutorial showing you how I did the window in the wedding photo albums I made for my brother and sister-in-law.  It is really very easy to do and really quick.  But I stuck the camera on whilst I was making it, so I thought I'd share it with you too.  Of course, like everything I make, I had never done anything like this before.  So these 2 albums for my brother were my guinea pigs, lol.  But they ended up looking really nice.  And both sets of parents loved them once Karen had them full to the brim with gorgeous w...

Wedding Photo Albums

Wedding Photo Albums Hey my little Loopy Loo's. is not an illusion.  Yes....I really am here to show you something.  A project....a real live project, Yippeeeee!  I have said in recent posts (not that bloody recent Loops....Jeez) that my brother, Jay got married to the beautiful Karen at the end of July this year. Well, my gift to them both was to make, well......... everything that could possibly be hand made, lol.  Everything I made was mine and Scrubby Loops's present to them.  Mind you........I don't exactly remember Scrubby Loops adding double sided tape to hundreds of metres of ribbon or embossing 100 favour boxes....not once, but twice.  He got out of that one easy, didn't he? lol. But.....yet being me........I forgot to take photos of everything I made.  So that is why I have yet to put up a blog post about their Wedding makes that was away back in July.  I am a little numpty and a ridiculous blogger.  ...

What'cha looking at?

Hey folks! I want to wish all my Followers a very Merry and Happy Christmas and hope 2014 is a kind and wonderful year for you all. And who knows.....maybe I may actually make an appearance in Blogland this year instead of being absent like I was this year, lol.  I thought I'd show you a little photo of my rather large fluffy torture of a cat, Nimbus.  Like all cats, she's obsessed with boxes no matter the size.  If I could have put a Christmas hat on her head, I would have. But she would be even less amused than she looks right here.  She's so funny.  She keeps us entertained every day.  That little face says to me "Hey....whatcha lookin' at weirdo? Go on about your business, can't you see I'm very busy being a cat in the box??  Sheesh!" A very festive Merry Christmas to you all.  And if Christmas is not what you celebrate....well, a very Happy Day for you, whatever it is you are doing.  Have fun.  See you in the New Year...

Quick Tip - how to straighten stickpins and Jewellery wire

Quick Tip - how to straighten stickpins and Jewellery wire Hi folks.  Just a quick wee video tip today.  When I make my stickpins, I usually buy them in bulk from China on Ebay.  Problem with this is, you always end up with bent, wonky stickpins that you need to straighten.  Also, when you use jewellery wire, we have to muck about with the wire and jewellery pliers in an attempt to straighten something that has been wrapped tightly in a can see my dilemma.   Well, here is a quick tip which won't result in you cutting the hands off yourself, whilst struggling to straighten the wonky little blighters! I hope to be back soon with a few Tim Holtz Embellishment Kits for sale.  They'll be a mixed selection of Tim Holtz goodies.  So instead of having 18 hanger paper clips when all you need is 2, or 1 set of box corners instead of paying for 3 sets, I have put together various sized kits to cater all budgets.  Also....a Miss Congenia...

Lions and Tigers and Bears....Oh My! Dorothy Gale Halloween Outfit

Lions and Tigers and Bears....Oh My!  Dorothy Gale Halloween Outfit Hello my Pretties (Get it??  "My Pretty".....from the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz??).  Long time no see.  I'm such a disaster pants!  Really and truly.  I haven't made anything this year!  Except of course the million and one things I made for my Brother's Wedding....which I have still to show you!  But on the bright side, I got published in a Wedding  Magazine....Yippee!!!!!  Well, my Brother and his lovely new Wife were in the magazine but my blog got a mention as I made everything for their big day.  So I'm very chuffed to see my wee blog in glossy print.  I promise I will have photo's of some of the things I made, but because I had so much to make, I forgot to take photos of a lot of the things I made.  So I'm in the process of trying to gather photos from friends and family who wisely did take photos!  I'm such a numpty!  You'd never ...