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Secret Envelope Trinket Box

Secret Envelope Trinket Box Secret Envelope Trinket Box Hello my lovelies.  "Well Finally"!! says you......"She's made something"!!  I know, I know but I have been sickie no well you know.  And Im now hitting my second week of the heebee-geebee's and its getting a little boring now.  And of course, I wasn't happy to keep it all to myself, oh no........I shared my cooties with my Scrubby.  And we all know what men are like when they are sick.  They all think they are dying!  Heehee.  Awwww bless him, he's actually been really good.  Through his sniffing, sneezing and coughing he's been making me lots of cuppa's and big Scrubby hugs. Anywhoodles, my parents have just redecorated their bedroom.  I'm actually very impressed with ma wee Mamma as instead of buying new wardrobes and storage......She ALTERED the ones she had!  I must be rubbing off on her, heehee.  Her bedroom furniture is all really good solid wood, so she paint...

Halloween Handmade Fabric Flowers and Stickpins

Halloween Handmade Fabric Flowers and Stickpins Frightful Flora Collection These are actually Orange and Black, but the camera appears to be making them look red. (The wee bead spider was actually made by my friend Kerry Denyer on Youtube....thanks Kerry) Ghoul Stickpins Ok so I know its a little early for Halloween.......but if its ok to show Christmas cards in August well, I think its more than ok to show these wee guys.  And us crafters have to get on top of these things early you know. Anywhoodles...........I'm in need of A LOT of "Awwww's" and "Ack you poor wee duck" sort of comments.  I'm sickie-no-well and I'm feeling terribly sorry for myself.  Until a few days ago, I was able to proudly profess that I hadn't been sick with any sort or bug, cold or virus for nearly 7 years.  But then....... my family has a little get together on Monday passed for ma wee Mamma's birthday and it all goes to pot!  The very next day, 3 of u...

Selling a few goodies on Ebay........trying to destash

Selling a few goodies on Ebay........trying to destash Flowers Galore.......Going up on Ebay Here they all are before they went into their little homes.....their packaging! I have tonnes of flower centres sitting made up too so I thought I'd destash some of those too. Hey folks.  I know Ive been a bad blogger.  I have a serious bout of Craft's block at the minute.  My room is a complete war zone and looks like a bomb has hit it so its making creating a little difficult.  So, with that in mind, I have decided I am going to destash some things that are just lying about doing nothing. So, I have set up a Crafty Loops ebay account just to destash some things from my room.  Now, I am a little weird on what I think my stuff is worth, as I usually just give all my stuff away as gifts and RAK's.  So at this moment in time I will not be doing any "Buy it Now" items.  I want to see what my flowers and other bits and pieces go for first s...

Hand Bound Journals with Flower Belly Band

Hand Bound Journals with Flower Belly Band Hey folks, whatabout ye all?  I hear parts of England and Wales are getting some beautiful sunshine.  Any chance of you shoving some of it my Northern Ireland way then???  I swear it has rained constantly over my wee bit of Northern Ireland since June!!  Nimbus came in this morning looking 2 stone lighter and like a drowned rat!!  Now my cat is a long haired fuzz ball and isn't afraid of water or the rain really as it doesn't get in contact with her actual skin because she's so furry and her coat is extremely thick.......but this morning....Well, our poor wee baby was soaked through and her fur was drenched......BUT....the daft cow was sitting IN THE RAIN!!!!  She has a wee house that she can go in to when its pouring but oh no.....Nimbus wants to sit in the rain!  Lol.  Daft cat.  Then she came in and proceeded to try and dry herself off on Scrubby's leg!  He had to actually towel dry her she...