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Showing posts with the label Video Tutorial

Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video

Flower Tutorial - Calla Lilly - Video Hi folks.  Don't faint......this is not your imagination or an illusion!  Tis I......Loops!  Heehee Boy oh boy did my mojo take a turn for the worst!  It really was touch and go there for a while.....we thought I might lose it all together.  But, I am glad to say that after a great deal of looking after and the arrival of a certain Ginormous Birthday Box I received (see last post) gladly, Loops's mojo has made a full recovery and is ready and raring to go, lol.  Phew, Im glad to be back.....Shucks but I missed you guys (she blushes meekly........"Oh Aye" you say "Loops is real meek"!!) I was asked ages ago by Sonia if I would mind doing a tutorial on a Lilly Flower.  Well, we all know I love a good challenge and love requests and as I had made these wee babies before I thought to myself.....why not do a wee video on how to make them.  Now the video I have done is for a wee Calla Lilly and you can basical...

Craft Organiser - How to make an album or folder

Craft Organiser - How to make an album or folder Hi everyone.  Ok so I was using a wee book that I made......way back when I started crafting to keep as a wee Craft Organiser.  You know, with Crafty Buds names and addresses, Swaps I did, or needed to do, Blog Candies I won, or held, Inventory of Craft goodies like which Distress Inks I had etc and where I buy my stuff from. But sadly, this wee book which is the same size as the Journal in the last post is, well, completely insufficient for the job as crafting has inevitably taken over my life!  So I decided to make a proper Organiser with dividers so I could organise everything all fansy shmansy pantsy styly! I wanted to get the binders that Tim Holtz was selling.  But to be honest, I was not willing to spend £4 for two wee binder do-daa's.  So Little Miss Tight A**e here went on to the old World Wide Web to see if I could maybe buy 10 or 20 from some sort of stationery supplier.  Now if you have ever t...

Flower Tutorial Video - Large Cabbage Rose/Peony style flower

Flower Tutorial Video - Large Cabbage Rose/Peony style flower Large Cabbage Rose Using Tim Holtz Tattered Florals Die Side profile....isn't is so pretty?  I love it....First attempt at a bigger one using this die so it ain't perfect! Ello Ello ma Petite Loopy Loo's.  Ohhhhh get me and me French!!  But there is a reason for it ..... of course!  I've decided if you say this flower with the proper French accent, the "cabbage" part sounds so much more romantic and appealing.  Go on....give it a try....."Cabbaaaaagggge Rose".... See, sounds so much better.  Oh I so have you lot repeating that now, haven't I?!  Heehee. Ive been a bit of a boldie and a lazy bumhead (I know....strange expression but if you know me at all by now...its pretty much the norm.  Plus its a nickname I call my sister, one of many I might add. I really have to re-evaluate my nicknames for my sibling. First Mi-Wadi, now don't want to know the rest!).  ...

Flower Tutorial using Spellbinders Rose Creations Die - The Peace Rose

Flower Tutorial using Spellbinders Rose Creations Die - The Peace Rose Hi folks. This is gonna be short and sweet "Aye right" I hear you snort!!  No really is a short post.  I just wanna see if this works for a start as I may start to do video tutorials for those who like to see things being done in real time and not in a million photos!  So, this is a quick wee video just of the last flower I did, the Peace Rose. Let me know what you think.  Would you like to see video tutorials?  Maybe add them on to the end of my normal photo tutorials?  I know I'm the type of person who likes to see it done in front of me so I thought it might be handy for others too.  Now Im not talking in this one.....I have put some lovely Taylor Swift music on instead.  I didn't want to scare the bejeezes out of you with my Northern Irish accent just yet, lol.  It so happens that I wanna keep all my lubbly jubbly followers and my accent may scare yo...