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Showing posts with the label Fiona Jennings

Maaaahoosive Birthday box from Fiona

Maaaahoosive Birthday box from Fiona Well folks......long time no see.  I know Ive been MIA on Blogland.  And I can just hear you all sigh with relief and say "Well thank goodness Loops is back on the scene"!  Heehee. A lot going on at the minute and we have been busy wee beavers trying to sort out my Tip of a Craft Room.  I have come to the conclusion......which Ive told a few bloggy Friends already, but I'll say it again as Im really starting to believe it............I THINK IM MAGIC!!!! Oh aye......I totally rocking Hermione Thingie Ma Bob off Harry Porter (Hermione Granger? Isnt it?.....shame on me for not knowing!).  And my reason for thinking Im magic?  I have actually defied all laws of physics and I have managed to fit more "stuff" (trying to be polite about it!) into a space that doesnt actually allow that much "stuff " to be placed into it!  Get my drift? Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that Im either some sort of Super ...

Grungy Journal - handmade Journal

Grungy Journal - handmade Journal Hi folks, how are we this very fine day?  Any word of Spring making an appearance around your neck of the woods??  It was 10 degrees at the hottest point of the day in grey Northern Ireland so that's practically summer around here!! Anywhoodles, I just wanted to show you this Journal I made for my very good friend Fiona (YouTube Jennings 644 ).  This Journal was actually the first one I ever made.  From scratch I mean.........sewing the papers, making the covers, putting the book together.....proper making a book from scratch.  And I just love how rough and ready it turned out.  It wont be to everyone's liking I'm sure,  but I really love it and Fiona was so chuffed when she received it too. Im not going to waffle too much and just get on with the photos!  WHAT?  I hear you cry!!  And no, I do not have a temperature and Im not sick!  In fact when I have a temperature and am sick......I ten...

Artist's Canvas and water colour paper Portfolio Folder

Artist's Canvas and water colour paper Portfolio Folder Good evening my little Loopy loo's.  Holy Moly it is extremely stormy here in Northern Ireland!!  Its mental out there!  Anyway, here is a little something I made for a very dear friend who I'm sure you've heard me mention before, Fiona Jennings. She has a Youtube Channel called Jennings644 . Fiona is an incredible crafter and an extremely talented artist as well.  She has been very supportive of me and extremely generous when it comes to sending me craft goodies.  I wanted to make her something that she wouldn't have (I hope!!) but I wanted it to be something that had little or no decoration on it so she could fill it completely, cover to back with her creativity. So I decided to make her a Canvas and Water Colour Portfolio folder.  WARNING....the photos will be boring!  As they are pretty much showing white canvas and white water colour paper.  BUT this is the whole point of ...

Industrial Steampunk Altered Guitar - Before and After and the How To

Industrial Steampunk Altered Guitar - Before and After and the How To Before photo The finished Product......Yeah!! Ok, Im very aware that altered art isn't a lot of folks cup of tea OR in fact anything Industrial or Steampunk.  BUT.....its my cuppa tea! lol.  I think its pretty obvious from my blog that I dont make cards.  Ok I do make a lot of flowers but I thought I would show you something else I like to do.  ALTERING....Yippeeee!  And this is the type of thing I do like doing and I make no apologies for it.  Yes, my name is Loops and I'm a steampunk loving, altering obsessed Looper, heehee. This is a gift that was given to me by Fiona Jennings and her hubby Ray (you will have seen a previous post about her Zibbet Store ).  And when Ray brought this home from the car boot sale and Fiona said it was available I nearly jumped through the laptop screen to grab it!  So they kindly gave it to me. It is my wee brother, Corey's...

New bling flower centres Ive made....and more fabric flowers ...of course!

New bling flower centres Ive made....and more fabric flowers Ohhh look at the pretty flower centres I've made I really hope you are not sick of seeing my flowers.......but its what I enjoy making and do best.  I've made these flowers....some you will recognise like the large Whipped creams and large floating meringues and some you may not have seen.  But they all have new flower centres that I've come up with.  Aren't they just so blingy and scrumptious?  I love them.  And they are so easy to make. I bought some bling mesh which you'll have already seen from my previous post.  Remember?  I bought it from Fiona Jennings. I just love her store.  I was on the other night and bought her out of dolly pegs and a few other bits and pieces, heehee.  I was on earlier and she has some amazing flowers on for sale....they put mine to shame!! Anyway, I cut a little strip off the mesh.  Took one of my large 15mm flat back pearls a...