Maaaahoosive Birthday box from Fiona Well folks......long time no see. I know Ive been MIA on Blogland. And I can just hear you all sigh with relief and say "Well thank goodness Loops is back on the scene"! Heehee. A lot going on at the minute and we have been busy wee beavers trying to sort out my Tip of a Craft Room. I have come to the conclusion......which Ive told a few bloggy Friends already, but I'll say it again as Im really starting to believe it............I THINK IM MAGIC!!!! Oh aye......I totally rocking Hermione Thingie Ma Bob off Harry Porter (Hermione Granger? Isnt it?.....shame on me for not knowing!). And my reason for thinking Im magic? I have actually defied all laws of physics and I have managed to fit more "stuff" (trying to be polite about it!) into a space that doesnt actually allow that much "stuff " to be placed into it! Get my drift? Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that Im either some sort of Super ...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.