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Showing posts with the label Diaries

Coptic Bookbinding Tutorials using the Kettle Stitch...How to make your very own books or journals

Coptic Bookbinding Tutorials using the Kettle Stitch...How to make your very own books or journals   I know, I know.  Ive been promising these tutorials for months but you would not believe the amount of trouble Ive gone to just to be able to get these on here today.  Its been a bloomin' nightmare and thats me being polite.  Firstly, I uploaded them with music and no talking but ohhhhhh no, Youtube wouldn't allow that because of Copyright issues with the music.  So little old Loops not wanting to let all you lot down by not giving you the tutorials I promised.....RE-RECORDED THE ENTIRE LOT OF VIDEOS AGAIN but this time you get to hear my beautiful Northern Irish But that wasnt the end of my troubles and there is a MAJOR GLITCH in Youtubes system at the mo which prevents thousands of people not being able to upload over 15 minute long videos amongst other issues but I wont bore you any more with my problems with getting these videos done. ...

Hand Bound Journal for Maddy

Hand Bound Journal for Maddy Journal for Maddy.....ignore the dodgy stamped name!  That can be removed and replaced with something else.  I just added it as an example Well folks, hows she cuttin' as they say in my neck of the woods?  I'm sure it originally comes from some sort of farming term...but in plain good ole English, that basically means "How are you"? Well I had a wonderful day at the Creative Crafts Show at the King's Hall in Belfast today.  And as my wee sister T is now dabbling in the wonderful Crafting World, there was little pleading needed when I asked her to come with me.  Let's face it.......I need someone to watch over me in case I get up to no good and misbehave!  Now I'm not saying I need a babysitter but......okay who am I kidding, my 21 year old sister needed to babysit her very badly behaved mischievous 32 year old sister! I even needed reinforcements called in so we met up with my bezzie buddy, Maddy from Izzwizz Creations ...

Junk Journal - First gentle. Photos and Video

Junk Journal - First gentle.  Photos and Video Junk Journal - A4 size VERY PHOTO HEAVY.  FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO SKIP THE PHOTO'S, I'VE DONE A WEE VIDEO AT THE END OF THE POST SHOWING YOU THROUGH THE BOOK. What about ye folks.  Im back again! My sister had a very wonderful 21st Birthday, thank you to everyone who wished her a Happy Birthday.  And even after me posting such an embarrassing story and photo of her in my last post, my wee T is still talking to me!  I think after 21 years of having me as her sister, Tara has come to realise that I'm a bit of a nut, have no limits to what I will say or do and if there is an opportunity to create an embarrassing moment....well she knows I'll take it, lol. I decided I wanted to make her something that she could add to over the years.  So, I made her a Junk Journal. They seem to be all the rage in the USA at the moment but they are slowly making their way over here.  For those who don't k...

A wire spine Journal and the Spring Cleanathon!

A wire spine Journal and the Spring Cleanathon! Wire Bound Journal First off......HELLO!!!!!  Heehee, I know we have been like a passing ship in the night lately but life has been getting inconveniently in the way of blogging lately.  And then to top it all off an innocent suggestion made by me has turned in to a full blown Spring Cleanathon!!  Oh yes my friends!  After hearing my Scrubby open the craft room door in an attempt to retrieve some sort of computer thingymabob medoodaa a few weeks ago, I heard him let out the most obvious of pee'd off noises, walk out backwards and loudly closing the craft room door again and he subsequently stomped down the hall like a huffy child who had just had his lolly taken off him for bad behaviour. an innocent and somewhat empty gesture I suggested maybe the Craft Room needed a good gutting out and we could add some shelves up for extra storage etc.  Well!  As I was somewhat an empty g...