Summer Expedition Journal - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder This is going to be a photo heavy post, lol So sorry for the glare on this photo. I don't know whats up with my camera! I know, I know ............"Where have you been Loops" I can hear you all shout. Im sorry I have been such an awful blogger of late. And its not as if I can even blame it on having glorious weather either because living in Northern Ireland, the very second the sun comes out and someone says "This is some weather we're having, isn't it?", they have pretty much scudded us all and we are guaranteed to have torrential rain, hail stones the size of golf balls and freezing temperatures! So the weather hasn't been good at all in Northern Ireland except..... dare I say it?......the sun has been out yesterday and today. Its ok though, normality will resume in a matter of hours, as we are to have rain again tomorrow. So as I type this post, Scrubby is fr...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.