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Showing posts with the label Blog Candy

Look What Ive Got....10'000 plus hits Blog Candy Giveaway NOW CLOSED

Ive got 10'000 plus hit Candy giveaway   Yes folks.....Ive got blog candy.  I have had my blog 3 months almost to the day and I have reached over 10'000 plus hits......yes I had to restart my counter because Im a numpty and me and my blog baby are still in our infancy at this please forgive my numptiness.....yes its a real my house!  Apparently thats pretty good going so I thought.....why not, lets give something away, eh? I just wanted to say a bit thank you to all my followers and everyone who has ever visited my blog.  I have been made feel extremely welcome to Blogland and without a certain Miss Karen aka Redrottie I would never have had this blog.  She got very bored one night and wanted something to do so I get an email asking me can she make me a blog.....and the rest as they say history.  Ok so its only 3 months history but Im still giving away goodies, heehee.   And another big thank you is in order to m...