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Lions and Tigers and Bears....Oh My! Dorothy Gale Halloween Outfit

Lions and Tigers and Bears....Oh My!  Dorothy Gale Halloween Outfit Hello my Pretties (Get it??  "My Pretty".....from the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz??).  Long time no see.  I'm such a disaster pants!  Really and truly.  I haven't made anything this year!  Except of course the million and one things I made for my Brother's Wedding....which I have still to show you!  But on the bright side, I got published in a Wedding  Magazine....Yippee!!!!!  Well, my Brother and his lovely new Wife were in the magazine but my blog got a mention as I made everything for their big day.  So I'm very chuffed to see my wee blog in glossy print.  I promise I will have photo's of some of the things I made, but because I had so much to make, I forgot to take photos of a lot of the things I made.  So I'm in the process of trying to gather photos from friends and family who wisely did take photos!  I'm such a numpty!  You'd never ...

Drumroll.....And the Winners Are........

Drumroll.....And the Winners Are........ Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!  I'm going straight into it, so I won't torture you all.  I have the results of my "Cause I loves ya", Giveaways for the 7 prizes.  So, as you know, you all had a chance (UK'ers anyway) to get your hands on 7 Prizes.  So with that said, I do have winners from the UK, Spain and across the pond too in the USA....AND someone won more than 1 prize!  Now, grumbling.  There were 7 prizes and 7 chances to win.  And the names were drawn fair and square by Scrubby Loops, so there was a very good chance that duplicates would be pulled. So without further ado.......The Winners are: PRIZE 1 AND PRIZE 3 - £10 GIFT VOUCHER FOR COUNTRYVIEW CRAFTS & CRAFTER'S COMPANION SWALK STAMPS & GOODIES IS..... SUE - BEARHOUSE If you could contact me WITHIN 48 HOURS in the message box at the top right, indicating you are the Giveaway winner of Prizes 1 and 3 , and send me you...

Craftroom Clear out - More Items on Ebay

Craftroom Clear out - More Items on Ebay If you haven't checked out the other items I have listed on ebay, check my last post or check out my ebay account HERE  Theres also a link to my Ebay Account on the right sidebar here on my blog. Here are the other items Ive listed on Ebay this evening Thanks for checking out my items.  If you do bid on anything....Good Luck to you. Laters gators......Loops x

Craft Room Clear out - Items on Ebay

Craft Room Clear out - Items on Ebay Well folks, whatabout ye?  Well I did say that I was gutting out my craft stash and boy of boy what a mess!  I've finally managed to get a few bits and pieces on Ebay to help destash my "full to the brim" room.  Poor thing is bursting at the seams!  So, I thought I would let you all know what I have up for sale on Ebay in case you want to have a little looksie.  My Ebay link is on the side of my blog on the right there, plus I have a link at the bottom of this post too. UK ONLY BIDDERS ON THESE EBAY ITEMS....SORRY! The Crafting CD roms are all pretty much brand new.  They were basically bought, unwrapped and sat on my shelf......shhhhhhh don't tell Scrubby Loops or he'll cry big man tears!  But I did test them all on my laptop yesterday to ensure they were ok.  And of course, being never used, they were perfect. Here is what's up for grabs..... PS...I'll be listing more things over today and the next few da...

Just because I loves ya' Giveaway NOW CLOSED

NOW CLOSED Just because I loves ya' Giveaway NOW CLOSED How long have you been waiting for this giveaway?  "ALL BLOODY YEAR", I hear you scream.  I'm so sorry.  But I am here now, ready with goodies galore, with my 'Just cause I loves ya' Giveaway.  Yippee!!!  And because this giveaway has been so tardy, I'm making it a biggy with LOTS OF WINNERS. PLEASE READ THE RULES CAREFULLY AS ANYONE NOT ABIDING BY THE RULES WILL HAVE THEIR ENTRY IMMEDIATELY REMOVED.  I don't want to be a meany, but its only fair to those who take the time to read and abide by the rules.  But don't worry, the rules are simples, lol.  Each photo of goodies is an individual prize, so you have plenty of chances to win something.  There are 7 prizes up for grabs. 7 PRIZES!!!!! RULES 1.  You MUST be a follower of my blog, new or old I loves ya all. 2.  You MUST comment below ONLY ONCE .  Duplicate sneakies will have all their comments removed an...