Lions and Tigers and Bears....Oh My! Dorothy Gale Halloween Outfit Hello my Pretties (Get it?? "My Pretty".....from the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz??). Long time no see. I'm such a disaster pants! Really and truly. I haven't made anything this year! Except of course the million and one things I made for my Brother's Wedding....which I have still to show you! But on the bright side, I got published in a Wedding Magazine....Yippee!!!!! Well, my Brother and his lovely new Wife were in the magazine but my blog got a mention as I made everything for their big day. So I'm very chuffed to see my wee blog in glossy print. I promise I will have photo's of some of the things I made, but because I had so much to make, I forgot to take photos of a lot of the things I made. So I'm in the process of trying to gather photos from friends and family who wisely did take photos! I'm such a numpty! You'd never ...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.