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Showing posts with the label Shabby Chic

Altered wooden Box....Birthday Box for ma wee Mamma and Crackle technique Tutorial

Altered wooden Box....Birthday Box for ma wee Mamma and Crackle technique Tutorial From this.... To this. This is a wee altered box I made for ma wee Mamma's birthday on the 13th there.  Now, I'm not completely happy with it.  Its ok, but it didn't quite turn out quite like I wanted.  I would have liked a better swirly bling which would start in the corner and go out to the middle but unfortunately I didn't have any so had to make do with what I had. This is a bit of show and tell.  I am going to do a tutorial on how to do the crackle technique below. I decorated the box with some lace that I fanned in the top corner and used one of my fluffy vintage handmade flowers as the centre piece flower and the just used some roses from Wild Orchid Crafts that came in a kit I bought.  SHOCK HORROR......there are flowers on a project that I didn't personally make!!  I had plenty of handmade flowers but not the right colour and as time was ticking on....I cheate

New flowers Ive made from lace and fabric....I think they are so pretty

New flowers I've made from lace and fabric As previously discussed, flowers are hitting the shelves like nobodies business at the moment, should it be in Art or Fashion, Home Decor or Hairstyles.  Flowers are definitely back.  As I said before, I saw a beautiful flower on the waistband of a dress recently and I instantly wanted to make it, lol.  Just look on YouTube, Blogs....any social platform and everyone is making fabric or paper flowers at the minute.  They are everywhere.  I'm getting inspiration from everywhere for flowers but I also need to thank my primary school teacher who also taught me how to make flowers, sew and craft.  Without her, I would never have had a needle and thread or played with fabric like I do now. Thanks to that gorgeous flower on the waistband of a dress, I've had a go at making some of my own.  If you fancy trying some, have a look on YouTube for some inspiration also.  I saw a tutorial from a lovely girl on YouTube making similar fabric flo

Some Fabric flowers Ive been making

Some Fabric flowers Ive been making I have just recently being playing around with lace and decided to make some flowers with some of the different laces in my stash and this is what I've come up with so far.  A very lovely friend from DoCrafts, Maddy AKA IzzWizz sent me some beautiful vintage buttons and since then I've been trailing ebay to add to the ones Mandy sent me.  Maddy is an amazing crafter and her style is right up my street.  If you would like to see her gallery, click here . If you would like a tutorial on any of them, please don't be afraid to ask, it would be my pleasure.  Flowers seem to be everywhere at the minute and are having a bit of a resurgence.  I'm seeing them on clothes, hair bands and even on canvasses.  I saw a gorgeous big fluffy flower the other day on the waistband of a dress in a Shop in Belfast and stood for ages looking at it to see how it was made.  I'll be playing around with more fabric me thinks and I'm going to attempt t