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Showing posts with the label Jewellery

Vintage Grunge Cuff/Bracelet And How To Tutorial

Vintage Grunge Cuff/Bracelet And How To Tutorial Do you like my Vintage Grunge Cuff?  Ohhhhh I love it.  I have been being it all day with a pretty summer dress.  I made a bit of a mess with the flower in that I added Stickles......for my sins!  And it made a bloomin' mess of the flower by making the ink run and now it looks yuckie!!  Grrrrrr Hello my lovely Loopies, did you enjoy today's weather?  Yeah?  Well, get the good of it, cause its all ending tomorrow AGAIN.  That is if you live in Northern Ireland of course.  Grrrrrrr.  As much as I LOVE living in beautiful Northern Ireland, there are times.........ohhhhhhh...........there are times, I could wring the neck of the weather man......poor Darra from BBC One Newsline!  Ok so I am totally aware its not his fault, and there isn't exactly a Complaints Department for these sorta' things.  But I'm getting completely frustrated with Summers that are grey and soggy wet and i...

A handmade watch and stickpins

A handmade watch and stickpins Lookie lookie!  I made a watch!!  I know!  Its a watch!  Yippee! Ok so after my excitement with Super Geek this morning (see previous post for details), I decided I was going to post the tutorial videos of me showing you how to make the wee shabby chic journal I made.  Its a series of tutorials showing step by step footage of bookbinding.  I uploaded onto YT finally (dont ask) and made them public......for all of 2 seconds when I realised on the second video, one of the most important sewing steps was missing!!  So, Im currently uploading it AGAIN.  So instead of Bookbinding get this instead....... I bet you lot thought I had gone and made another card, didnt ya?  Ha!  No way.  That last one for my brothers birthday was enough trauma to keep me going for a few years, lol. Nope, I am excited for another reason......I made a watch.  As you can see already.  I also ch...

More Stick pins!!! A little more elegant and little less Flamboyant!

More Stick pins!!!  A little more elegant and little less Flamboyant! Here are a few more stick pins I've been making.  I will be including some of these in the 6 blog candies I am giving away, so if you haven't got your name down and you were one of my 301 original followers, get your name down on the Candy post before the 20th January 2012.   Sadly the camera doesn't bring out the detail on some of the beautiful beads, but they still look pretty.  These ones are a little more dainty and elegant I feel than the more flamboyant ones in the previous stickpin post.  I think these would be more suited to cards and altered items like pretty boxes and jewellery boxes. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  Ours is still going on.  We are off to my In-laws today for some tasty nosh and a bit of craic and then to my parents tomorrow for even more food and craic!  I'll end up as stuffed as the Turkey on Christmas day!!  I love going t...

More Stick pins!!! I think Im addicted to these and flowers!

More Stick pins!!! Stick pins Galore!!  These ones are highly decorative ones......the next batch will be a little less elaborate Hello there my wee Loopy Loo's and how are we this crisp Saturday morning?  All prepared for Christmas?  What's that I hear you say as a shoe whacks me in the noggin?  "Im gonna throttle someone if they ask me that bloody question one more time"!!!  I feel your pain......and not because you threw a shoe at me noggin either! Every year I say I will have everything bought, wrapped and delivered by the first week in December.  Aye right!  Lets face it, it may have come to your attention that I waffle a bit and promise to myself to be organised this year is nothing more than a load of dribble!  There was a silence for more than 5 seconds in my head so I had to fill it somehow! Anywho, here are some more stickpins. Edit.....I meant  to say, my wee sister Tara made some of these too....Im trying to ...

Stickpins, Flowers and Ghouls.....Oh My!!

Stickpins, Flowers and Ghouls My Country Kitchen Collection of Flowers - Circles cut using Sizzix Circle Die Felt Rolled Roses using Sizzix 3D Flower Die Stickpins Galore! Yes, I have more flowers to always but also some stickpins.  Now again this is heavy on the photos but its for my own records.  Im not gonna waffle ("Say What Girlfriend?".....said with an over exaggerated America accent!) as there are quite a few photos and I want to get through them all.  I know, I know......Loops not waffling......Tis a strange day indeed. Admittedly some of the stickpins will NOT be to everyone's taste.  Those who follow my blog will know I dabble in a bit of Steampunk too (see altered guitar in a previous post) and some of the stickpins are a little Steampunkish/Gothic...ey style so Im very much aware that there are some who will not even give them the time of day.......BUT, I love'em. So here we go........heres what Ive been up to.... ...