Vintage Grunge Cuff/Bracelet And How To Tutorial Do you like my Vintage Grunge Cuff? Ohhhhh I love it. I have been being it all day with a pretty summer dress. I made a bit of a mess with the flower in that I added Stickles......for my sins! And it made a bloomin' mess of the flower by making the ink run and now it looks yuckie!! Grrrrrr Hello my lovely Loopies, did you enjoy today's weather? Yeah? Well, get the good of it, cause its all ending tomorrow AGAIN. That is if you live in Northern Ireland of course. Grrrrrrr. As much as I LOVE living in beautiful Northern Ireland, there are times.........ohhhhhhh...........there are times, I could wring the neck of the weather man......poor Darra from BBC One Newsline! Ok so I am totally aware its not his fault, and there isn't exactly a Complaints Department for these sorta' things. But I'm getting completely frustrated with Summers that are grey and soggy wet and i...
Hi, Im Lee and welcome to my blog. A whole lotta' Crafting with a good bit of laughing.