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Showing posts with the label Box

Such a Sweet Altered Box......Made from a Sweet it happens! My First Altered Chocolate Box

My First Altered Chocolate Box Altered Chocolate box I've made BEWARE.....A LOT OF PHOTOS But its so I can keep a record of what Ive done! Its not a tutorial...more of a "what I did" post as this is my first time doing one of these Yes, thats right.  My scrummy hubby, or should I call him "Scrubby" kindly bought me a box of choccies the other week.  Noooooooo, he didnt put a dent in the car, or buy something stupid (thats usually me does that!) Nor is he playing away from home or has a guilty conscience!  Heehee.  No tricks at all, my husband is merely a big suck and romantic and is always buying me flowers and chocolates.  Always has done......of course he would never admit to being a big softie.  No need to admit it Scrubby.........Ive gone and done it for you and just told everyone over the internet, haahaa! Anyway, enough of my antics.  Here is how this box of scrumpdiddliumptous chocolates ended up.....well, the calories...

Altered wooden Box....Birthday Box for ma wee Mamma and Crackle technique Tutorial

Altered wooden Box....Birthday Box for ma wee Mamma and Crackle technique Tutorial From this.... To this. This is a wee altered box I made for ma wee Mamma's birthday on the 13th there.  Now, I'm not completely happy with it.  Its ok, but it didn't quite turn out quite like I wanted.  I would have liked a better swirly bling which would start in the corner and go out to the middle but unfortunately I didn't have any so had to make do with what I had. This is a bit of show and tell.  I am going to do a tutorial on how to do the crackle technique below. I decorated the box with some lace that I fanned in the top corner and used one of my fluffy vintage handmade flowers as the centre piece flower and the just used some roses from Wild Orchid Crafts that came in a kit I bought.  SHOCK HORROR......there are flowers on a project that I didn't personally make!!  I had plenty of handmade flowers but not the right colour and as time was ticking on......