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Craft Room Ebay Sale Reminder

 Craft Room Ebay Sale Reminder Whatabout ye folks, it's Lee here.  Just a quick reminder that my First Craft Room Clear Out Sale on Ebay will be over in just over 24hours, Saturday 13th at approx 7.30pm.  So, grab yourself a bargain HERE .  And if not this time, I will be listing more items this coming week.  Enjoy! Toodles Noodles.....Lee aka Crafty Loops xx

Craft Room Clear Out - 1ST round of EBay sales

Craft Room Clear Out - 1st round of EBay sales I did say in a previous post that I wanted to do another Craft Room Clear out.  My crafting has taken different directions as I am sure you have noticed.  That is not to say that I am not ever going to make flowers or journals again.  No way will I stop that, teehee.  However, I have a room full to the brim of items I have purchased and collected for well over a decade.  The majority of the items have never even been removed from their packaging or used which is honestly, an absolute crying shame.  I do not want to have a plethora of items.  I could genuinely kit out a Craft store with the amount of products I have.  And it feels wrong to have it all sitting there not being used.  I want to see these items going to good homes.  So, I will be listing them on EBay for UK bidders only.  Sorry about sticking with the UK, but it just becomes too much work if I have to sell abroad and I'd be ...

Handmade Handbag - Duplicity Handbag pattern from Sew Yours

Handmade Handbag - Duplicity Handbag pattern from Sew Yours Whatabout ye folks, it's Lee here.  Back with another Duplicity Handbag from the pattern from Sew Yours .  This time I made it in this lovely black faux leather with gold hardware.   I love how this bag turned out.  As I mentioned in my previous   Duplicity make  this bag is really easy to make, but there is a bit more difficulty when it comes to adding the bag base and then doing the top stitching when doing the drop in lining.  Now, I have a Janome Domestic machine, so I would maybe find it easier to do if I had a more industrial style machine, or even the Janome HD9.  I do manage it, but they are the only 2 frustrating parts of making this bag that I think gives it away as being handmade; as my stitching is not perfect because it's a bit awkward to do. I think if I had a better machine, it would be pretty perfect. But even with that, I am very pleased with how it turned out. I l...